Archive for December, 2011

To Rens and Back!

So tonight my first trip[ to a trade hub.  Having bought a new Rifter and fitted it out with some small rail guns I needed some ammo.  The ammo in Eystur was ten times the price it was in Rens and so it was a simple case of hopping into the newly named ‘Slaughterhouse’ to roll along to the Trade hub that is known as Rens.

The place was buzzing, the local channel flowing with people looking to make a quick sale.  211 Muir looking for corporation members. Djobs posting strange symbols Подробности в приватной беседе.  Others looking to have a 1v1 challenge in a frigate.  On sale were Stabber Fleet Issue’s, Caracal Navy Issue and Tempest Fleet Issue at prices I could never dream of.  Oh and a conversation about soda.

“Zhang ManCheng > “Actually, i hate diet soda. never tastes right.”
UMBONGO Hirl > “Uh whats wrong with it?”
UMBONGO Hirl > “The soda that is.”
Zhang ManCheng > “His contract, or diet soda in general?”
UMBONGO Hirl > “You said you never liked how soda tastes.”
Zhang ManCheng > “Diet soda, not all soda. diet just always has that funky after taste.”

I slunk in barely noticed and slunk back out.  For now I was not interested in idle chat.  I had to discover if my new ship and fitting was going to provide me with the power to cope much better with the missions I was being given.  After a short time I left Rens and returned to Eystur.  Ready for my next mission.

Finally after failure after failure I got a mission and managed to get a mission involving 5 stages and secured 300,000 ISK.  The Intrepid managed it quite comfortably and after securing the mission I decided to buy a Rifter in an attempt to be better able to cope with these missions.  Remember my goals are to eventually join my fellow Pod Pilots and my plan is currently to achieve this through exploration.

It is clear to me now that I have a long way to go and much to learn.  The initial learning curve has been high and having been down to 12 isk at one point and failing to make anything I had thought my luck had ran out.  Times have changed however and now for me the future is brightening.

Once I have my Rifter fitted I am hoping to see a big change in my fortunes.  We shall see.

For now I remain hidden from my fellow Pod Pilots.  I skulk around hiding in deadspace pockets feeding on the entrails of lunatics and criminals.

Stuttering and failing.

So things have not been going so well. I have failed one mission and cannot complete another.  It looks like my Intrepid is just not up to the task and I am using the wrong ammo along with the wrong guns.  I need to get a Breacher and fix some rail guns to it to try and work from range against these Pirates.  I am down to my last 24 isk and it is not looking very clever.  I may well be reduced to searching around asteroid belts for  something to kill in order to get the right type of mission.  Another option might be to try courier missions, but there again I cannot afford the collateral.

Its seems my first steps into New Eden have been a complete failure.  How am I to even begin to get to know my fellow Pod Pilots without having some credibility!!

So having got hold of my pilots licence the next stage was to figure out how I was going to make some income in order to be able to grow and be of any use to the immortals of New Eden.  I travelled to Eystur where I spoke with Rugnus Lunar and started my first missions for the Republic Justice Department.  The first assignment was called Gone Berserk and involved destroying some ‘terrorist fanatics’.  How bad could it be?

No sooner had I flown into the Dead Space Pocket and I had to leave, the shields of Intrepid screamed with incoming fire and I had to warp out having taken only one hostile down.  Life in New Eden was going to be tough.  Most of my ISK was spent within a few hours as I struggled to find the right modules that I could use and which might make the mission possible.

As I whittled down the hostiles more and more appeared and wave after wave forced me to leave and refit my ship.  Life in New Eden was grim and it looked like I had much to learn.