So having got hold of my pilots licence the next stage was to figure out how I was going to make some income in order to be able to grow and be of any use to the immortals of New Eden.  I travelled to Eystur where I spoke with Rugnus Lunar and started my first missions for the Republic Justice Department.  The first assignment was called Gone Berserk and involved destroying some ‘terrorist fanatics’.  How bad could it be?

No sooner had I flown into the Dead Space Pocket and I had to leave, the shields of Intrepid screamed with incoming fire and I had to warp out having taken only one hostile down.  Life in New Eden was going to be tough.  Most of my ISK was spent within a few hours as I struggled to find the right modules that I could use and which might make the mission possible.

As I whittled down the hostiles more and more appeared and wave after wave forced me to leave and refit my ship.  Life in New Eden was grim and it looked like I had much to learn.