Yup what it says.  I finally found a place to hang out.  The thing about this blog is not necessarily the writing that is good its the feedback and the effect is has on the in game experience.  I could go through all of the comments and highlight all of the great feedback that has really enhanced what I am doing in game.  Its all sorts of stuff from a small eve mail to the direct posts that have helped.  Posting the nubbins guide to salvaging really helped me get in touch with some new people and as a result of that I finally found a corporation that seemed to suit me fine.

I first heard of Pro Synergy after replies to the post on salvaging and they invited me to pop along and talk to them in their public channel.  It was there that I started to chat to Melek D’Ivri and to tell the truth it was all made very easy.  The corporation has a basic concept that salvagers and mission runners can work together.  It has a pretty simple but extremely effective business strategy to make this happen.   The concept is very simple really – you salvage a mission and the split between mission runner and salvager is an even 45% with the corp holding back 10% for organising the whole thing.

That is it.  The elegance is in its simplicity, they don’t dick about working out who did what.  You simply loot the mission chuck everything into a massive pot.  A record is maintained of each mission by simply adding a point to a spreadsheet and at the end of the week it is all divided up according to the number of points each person contributes.  Very simple and I can tell you very effective.  There have been some nights when I have been flat out salvaging other nights I simply have been roaming trying to perfect my skills at hunting salvage from PvP.  More about that in another post.

Anyway this brings me to the point of this post.  There is something about being in a corporation, sure at some level you do lose some of that individuality but you seem to gain something from the common purpose that comes with joining others of the same mind. With a corporation there is that sense that you have the ability to achieve more in a group of like minded individuals?  But on the one hand I would still like to maintain that free spirit behind the character of Moriarity, on the other hand his interests are actually better served in the corporation.  It has allowed me space to breathe and a regular source of income as I sit back and think about the next stages of his development.

The test will come if I can maintain the same degree of interest and continue to grow within Pro Synergy.  For now they have been a very nice bunch of people and I can’t help but feel a bit lucky to be able to chill out with them and develop Moriarity.