Karen and Abby were on a bit of downtime between Corporation builds . They had just heard word from Ekloke that the final Mackinaw had sold in 1DQ for a whopping 400million. That was grounds for a celebration! Later they would go to 1DQ to have a good night out.

For now the plans were already in motion for the next Corporation Project.

“More Macks!”

Just to finish were a few more Occators for the second build. They might also start a few personal projects on the side too. There was a few components short much to Karen’s exaporation. It always happened. You need a few chiral structures here and a few loads of enriched uranium there. But this time the build had been especially frustrating, just running out of items that needed a frantic call to Ekloke to fetch stuff from 1DQ. Not a lot, but enough to be frustrated. But the build was on its final legs when they got the good news from Ekloke.

Abby had been working on invention and managed to secure several Nighthawk BPC’s two were sold to corp mates and the rest held in case the corp wanted to go for the build. In the meantime they decided to pop out and grab some ice in 39P.

They brought two Endurances, the fit they had used down in low sec near Eldjaerin to get hold of heavy water. Eldjaerin seemed like a world away now. That was even before the FI.RE days. They had been half way across New Eden and back since then. Karen was happy settling in, working on the Dread builds had been a lot of fun, especially when she saw Mori’s face when he saw the contract. He had been training to fly the thing for months now.

The Endurance was perfect for some casual mining. It was a low cost easy to fly option. Quite hard to catch and whilst it did not maximise income it was relaxing to fly because it was cheap and easy to get away. They had both escaped several attempts to catch them in Tabbetzur and had managed to keep the fleets fuelled with heavy water. The cloaking device meant they could both warp to a safe spot and go to sleep if necessary. They could also scan down gas clouds, refit and go out whenever the opportunity arose.

If Karen was being honest there was very little point in the survey scanner, but then there wasn’t much else would fit on the hull anyway. She always brought extra Warrior II’s although Acolyte’s would be better in Delve.

They were out on the belt, casually mining with the local Brave Collective members. It has been quiet. A few incidents with Blood Raider locals. Local was busy. So much so that Karen had switched her local to small icons. Karen would have been very nervous normally but not today. This was just a bit of casual mining. It was a few hours in when a neutral appeared.

One of them edgy types that likes to sound all threatening. Karen warped her and Abby to a structure, pinging Local as well as the security channel. The ships eased into warp easily and nestled into tether on the nearby Fortizar. From their location they could watch local.

It wasn’t long until he left and the expedition could get started again. They would be leaving soon with enough harvested for the next builds. Time to find some ore and get back to mining. Sometimes it makes sense to just take what you need, let others get stressed about having it all!