One of the reasons why I haven’t posted for a while is that I have been preparing diligently for PvP.  I made the decision a couple of weeks back.  For me most of PvE in eve is too predictable, repetitive and a bit boring.  Its not my bag.  I know there will be tons of others who love it but at the end of the day you can remove and eliminate your risks by out of game mechanics and most people do.

The removal or minimisation of risk is the minimisation of what makes a game a game.  All games involve chance.  Its one of the key features of Eve.  So for me experiencing the game is about experiencing a better risk reward benefit.

Ok so what have I been doing?

The first thing I did was say farewell to Pro Synergy.  They were a great bunch of people and some of the things they were achieving on salvage was just incredible.  In fact if there was a proper stock exchange in Eve I would buy into them heavily. They were amazing, very well organised with a very simple concept that worked beautifully for all parties.  I don’t want to give away their secrets but you can do your own maths.  If each mission nets around 4million isk for the Mission Runner and the Salvager and you do 40 a week you get 160million ISK.  It works really well and I admire them totally.  Its the kind of corporation you can make a lot of ISK in fast.

The problem was of course that because this was their main activity they were not that interested in PvP and they operated a policy that basically ruled out the old “wee dorty” low sec roam.  In that respect, rather than inevitably come into conflict with them, it was time to leave.  I hated leaving actually. I should not have joined if I wasn’t going to be there for the long run.  But I know they didn’t mind me leaving either.  In many ways their business model thrives off people like me coming and going as we please.  The feeling that I ought not have joined remains however and so I have resolved myself to make sure that my next corp move is much more permanent.

So what have I done – I have spent the last two weeks working on distribution agents for the Sisters of Eve.  This has taken me down to Arnon where I have spent my time boring the hell out of my crew members hauling homeless people and marines.  I have also completed several top secret mission to get Omber for the Servant Sisters of Eve and their secret war preparations – you cannot trust anyone in Eve not even a bunch of nuns!  Behind it all they are actually gun toting Nuns with attitude.

Why do this?

Well and this is the problem.  Having looked at all the stuff I have looked at I have accumulated a lot of skills that are totally useless for PvP.  I even thought of doing planetary management but that made my eyes bleed.  The whole idea of being tethered to my computer constantly looking after virtual installations is not my idea of fun.  However to my shame I trained up a couple of those skills.  I know I know.  It is shameful!

So rather than rush off into PvP with Industrial V  I decided to work on skills that would enable me to have a fighting chance in low sec.  The two weeks have been spent getting those into a respectable shape.  There is some way to go but I am more or less happy with where I am at.  So much so that two nights ago I finally trained up to be able to roam with a decent PvP spec Thrasher.  I will tell you the tale of “Easy Target” in my next post.

The skills I have trained for this escapade are lengthy:

Gunnery 1,013,884 Skill points (so far)

Controlled Bursts Level 2
Gunnery Level 5
Motion Prediction Level 4
Rapid Firing Level 3
Sharpshooter Level 2
Small Autocannon Specialization Level 3
Small Hybrid Turret Level 4
Small Projectile Turret Level 5
Trajectory Analysis Level 4
Weapon Upgrades Level 4
Mechanics 293,459 Skill Points  Big holes here I know!
Armor Rigging Level 1
Astronautics Rigging Level 1
Hull Upgrades Level 4
Jury Rigging Level 3
Mechanics Level 4
Projectile Weapon Rigging Level 1
Repair Systems Level 2
Shield Rigging Level 1
Engineering 990,203 Skill Points
EM Shield Compensation Level 3
Energy Grid Upgrades Level 3
Energy Management Level 1
Energy Pulse Weapons Level 1
Engineering Level 5
Explosive Shield Compensation Level 3
Kinetic Shield Compensation Level 2
Shield Compensation Level 3
Shield Management Level 4
Shield Operation Level 5
Shield Upgrades Level 4
Tactical Shield Manipulation Level 4
Thermic Shield Compensation Level 2
There are a few problems with this whole setup right now not least that there are no armour tanking skills!  The Rifter seems to work of Armour tanking and I am going to need to focus on those skills over the coming months.  Apart from this there is a lack of CPU on most of my ships because my electronics skills are low and my damage is not perfect.  All in all as far as I can tell I am in for a bit a rough ride.  OK next post – my first experiences of PvP in Eve.